Plant Disease Forecasting

DS-2 Sonic Anemometer

Measure horizontal wind speed and direction with our affordable sonic anemometer. The DS-2 is a rugged, research-grade sonic anemometer built specifically for agricultural, forestry, and environmental research applications. The DS-2 is accurate at low wind speeds making it the perfect instrument for measuring wind within and above plant canopies.

Microclimate Monitoring System

Integrate Climate Variables Account for environmental variables with simple, accurate, plug-and-log sensors. Get Local Weather Measure weather data where you are, not 5 miles away at the Met tower, so that you can measure environmental variation on…

SC-1 Leaf Porometer for Stomatal Conductance Measurements

Accurate, affordable, and practical stomatal conductance. The SC-1's breakthrough steady-state technology provides accurate stomatal conductance measurements from an affordable, research-grade instrument. No moving parts, tubes, or fans simplify the operation and maintenance of the porometer.

LWS Leaf Wetness Sensor

Detect wetness and ice formation with a sensor that closely mimics the wetness state of real leaves. No painting or user calibration required. Plug-and-read capabilites with the Em50 series of data loggers.

5TE Soil Moisture, Temperature, and Electrical Conductivity

  • Volumetric water content, temperature, and electrical conductivity
  • Digital, SDI-12.